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    Yew Wah 2017 Graduation Ceremony

    School News

    14 Jul, 2017

    10 : 00

    • Yew Wah 2017 Graduation Ceremony was held on 24th June, 2017. Yew Wah curriculum create an extraordinary self-formation and self-environment, which let our children possess outgoing and optimistic personality. They enjoy thinking, mind exploring and self-expressing. Looking back their children life in Yew Wah, parents express heartfelt thanks for all the teachers、classroom’s helpers and admin staff in the kindergarten. 最后,让我们共同祝愿可爱的孩子们健健康康、快乐成长,在广阔的天地中自由地翱翔!祝愿各位家长家庭幸福、万事如意! Yew Wah hope our lovely children grow up healthily and happily, able to free-soar in the wide world. Again best wishes for all the parents and children.